A few moments of the press conference at the ESB - MACC.
Hispanic Leaders Oppose Sale of City-owned Land Near Entrance of Mexican American Cultural Center
Austin, Texas – Hispanic Advocates Business Leaders of Austin (HABLA) hosted a press conference to announce their opposition to a developer’s request to purchase city-owned land located at the entrance of the Mexican American Cultural Center (64 Rainey Street)
For those who couldn't attend the HABLA press conference at the ESB - MACC, here are audio clips:
MARTHA CORTERA - about history of Mexican Americans on Rainey Street
http://renerenteria.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/pressconf_esbmacc-_marthacortera.mp3 GILBERTO C. RIVERA - about the 30 year history to maintain Mex-Amer./neighborhood heritage of Rainey Street
http://renerenteria.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/pressconf_esbmacc-_gilbert-c-rivera.mp3 JUAN OYERVIDES - about the numerous ESB MACC efforts to protect 64 Rainey Street
http://renerenteria.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/pressconf_esbmacc-_juanoyervides.mp3 PAUL SALDANA - about "La Cultura No Se Vende"
http://renerenteria.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/pressconf_esbmacc-_paulsaldana.mp3 For Additional Information Contact:
Paul Saldaña, HABLA
© Rene Renteria Photography